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Residential Rehabilitation

Improving access to residential rehabilitation as a treatment option is a key part of the National Mission.  The option of residential rehabilitation is part of a range of treatment options available to people in Highland. Beechwood House is the main provider of residential rehabilitation for people in Highland. 

The main referral route for accessing residential rehabilitation is via the Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service

You can find a find a list of Residential Rehab Providers through Scotland below


Residential Rehabilitation Services Scotland

Residential Rehabilitation Services Scotland have created a new Online Service Directory that providing an up to date list of residential rehabilitation providers across Scotland. Click here to access

Prison to Rehab Pathway

The Scottish Government’s Prison to Rehab pathway helps to support individuals who would benefit from accessing abstinence based treatment, to access residential rehabilitation on release from Prison. This process has been designed to support people who have a history of problematic alcohol and/or drug use. The Pathway is used by the Scottish Prison Service (SPS), Prison Healthcare Teams and Residential Rehabilitation Providers to help identify people who are due for release and may benefit from an abstinence based residential rehab programme to support their recovery.

Full information on the protocol and Residential Rehabilitation Providers can be found by visiting

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