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National Helplines

Drinkline Scotland

0800 7314 314

Know the Score

0800 587 5879

Samaritans (National)

116 123

Alcoholics Anonymous

0800 917650


0800 008 6811

Narcotics Anonymous

0300 999 1212

Families Anonymous

0845 1200 660 (lo-call)

Cocaine Anonymous

0141 959 636

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD)

08080 10 10 11


0300 123 3393


0300 123 6600

Scotland’s Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline

0800 027 1234

National Rape Crisis Support Line

08088 01 03 02

Breathing Space

0800 83 85 87

Scottish Citizens Advice Helpline

0800 028 1456

National Debtline

0808 808 4000

LGBT Helpline Scotland

0300 123 2523

Main Partners

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