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Substance Aware School Award Winners 2023/2024
The Substance Aware School (SAS) Award has been developed to recognise and reward consistent, ongoing approaches to prevent substance use among young people across the Highlands. This initiative is a joint partnership between the Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (HADP), the Highland Child Protection Committee, the Highland Council, NHS Highland, […]
Xylazine Alert
Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response (RADAR) is Scotland’s drugs early warning system. RADAR publishes ad-hoc alerts related to new trends, drugs and harms.More information on RADAR can be found here: RADAR Scotland’s Drugs Early Warning System (publichealthscotland.scot) Latest Alert Xylazine alert Published: 09/05/2024Alert 2024/09 was published on 9 May […]
Bromazolam alert
Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response (RADAR) is Scotland’s drugs early warning system. RADAR publishes ad-hoc alerts related to new trends, drugs and harms.More information on RADAR can be found here: RADAR Scotland’s Drugs Early Warning System (publichealthscotland.scot) Latest Alert Bromazolam alert Published: 05/07/2023Alert 2023/13 was published on 5 July […]